Thursday, April 11

The 3rd Molars Dilemma: 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed, and 3 Reasons You Should

Most of us are born with 28 milk teeth in our mouths that start showing when we are only 4 to 7 months old, but we probably don’t remember those good old times.

However, we might remember the times when we changed our milky teeth into permanent, adult ones. Most memories are engraved in our heads because of the creative or unpleasant ways our milky teeth got extracted.

But we definitely remember the time we completed a mouthful of 32 teeth, as we experienced the agony when our third molars decided to emerge and tear through the delicate tissue of our gums, disturbing our peace and quiet.

Usually, wisdom teeth start appearing at the age of 17 all the way to 25, but this may vary from one person to the other, and with all the talk about how painful they can be and how “unnecessary” they are, the majority of people consider removing wisdom teeth even before they even start showing, but should they really?

Believe it or not, some people complete their 32 teeth set without even feeling bothered; yes, some are just lucky like that!

Unfortunately, not many people are that lucky, and most third molars can’t normally emerge without causing problems, requiring medical intervention to spare you the discomfort.

There are a few cases in which wisdom teeth shouldn’t be removed, and that’s when:

Keep in mind that you can get any treatment you need at the hands of expert dentists and orthodontists at the best dental clinic in Dubai.

  • They Have Fully Emerged

Wisdom teeth often burst in phases and typically fully emerge around 25 years of age; if they are fully out and erupted, then they won’t require removal for incomplete eruption.

  • Erupted Correctly

Sometimes, 3rd molars grow horizontally instead of vertically and in line with the remaining teeth. In that case, the wisdom tooth will push at the teeth next to it as it emerges, potentially damaging them and deforming their overall alignment. 

  • Accessible During Oral Hygiene Routines

It’s a no-brainer that proper oral hygiene techniques that clean the teeth thoroughly and efficiently are key to maintaining healthy, strong pearly whites.

This also applies to wisdom teeth, so if you can’t access them properly while brushing and flossing, discuss the matter with your dentist to determine whether you should get them removed or not.

If your wisdom teeth match all the 3 previous conditions, then good for you; you don’t need to get them removed, and you can enjoy having all 32 teeth or more; you never know!

However, if you suffer from any of the following symptoms, you may need to consider getting your 3rd molars removed:

  • Wisdom Teeth Remain Unerupted

When you don’t experience wisdom tooth eruption, they will remain impacted within the jaw bone, which can be problematic.

Impacted molars can lead to complications like repeated infection and the frequent appearance of liquid-filled cysts, which is something no one really wants going on in their mouth.

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  • Partially Erupted Wisdom Teeth

As mentioned before, wisdom teeth emerge in phases, meaning they don’t come out in one go. 

When wisdom teeth remain only partially emerged, this means a little bit rises over the gum tissue every while, leaving an opening on the tooth sides for germs to grow and thrive.

The bacterial congregation makes the entire area more prone to infections and tooth decay. 

  • Crowded Mouth

In order for wisdom teeth to appear correctly, there needs to be enough space for them. Otherwise, they will either damage their neighboring teeth, deform your dental arrangement, grow horizontally, or all the above.

Visiting the dentist regularly, even before the wisdom teeth start to erupt, will help you determine early on whether there’s enough space for the 3rd molars to come out, come out, wherever they are.

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